Radio Mast
The MRSC Planner has been out to the camp today to carry out a site inspection and does not envisage there will be any problems with our application. The mast won’t be in place for JOTA 2016 but should be Read more…
The MRSC Planner has been out to the camp today to carry out a site inspection and does not envisage there will be any problems with our application. The mast won’t be in place for JOTA 2016 but should be Read more…
Treetops has submitted a Planning Application to Macedon Ranges Shire Council for the installation of a 14 metre radio mast. Once approval is obtained the mast will be erected near the Pack Holiday Centre and will be able to be Read more…
A horizontal climbing wall is being built as an additional activity as part of the commando course. The wall is complete we are just waiting on the hand and foot holds to be delivered so as we can install them.
Work on the Cub Jungle is progressing at a steady pace. The first two of our wood sculptured jungle animals arrived last week and will be placed in position as soon as they have been treated with timber preservative.
Plans are progressing well on our proposed PACT Centre (Patrol Activity Camping Treetops Centre). The facility will be a 6 metre by 15 metre Colourbond building located below the archery range. It will be used primarily for the Patrol Activity Read more…