Beware of the trees
During the the recent windy weather we have had a number of shallow rooted (otherwise healthy trees) fall over in the camp. Please take care when you are considering where you set up your tents the trees often fall on Read more…
During the the recent windy weather we have had a number of shallow rooted (otherwise healthy trees) fall over in the camp. Please take care when you are considering where you set up your tents the trees often fall on Read more…
Treetops is proposing to hold an open day in late 2017 to show itself off to Scouting and the local community, a sub committee chaired by Peter Jones is arranging the event. Some suggestions to date include the possibility of Read more…
The Cub Jungle animals are currently being treated with timber preservative and will hopefully be installed later this month. Two addition animals (Bagherra and Shere Khan) are currently being carved and should arrive early in the new year.
We have appointed a builder for the PACT Centre and he is currently in the process of submitting the Planning Permit to Council. Our plan is to locate the building diagonally opposite the MPR below the switchboard, the building will Read more…
Well done to the Wednesday Work Group for completing our Pole Dump near the Service Compound, the poles are now stored above ground level reducing the problem of rot that occurred when they were stored on the ground. This will Read more…
The MRSC Planning Department have formally acknowledged our Planning Application and advised that it is currently being considered.
Earlier this year the Treetops Management Committee decided to recognise people who have made a significant contribution to the development of Treetops. This afternoon a group of former Leaders, Lay Personnel, DC’s, RC’s, CC’s along with Family and Management Committee Read more…
A horizontal climbing wall is being built as an additional activity as part of the commando course. The wall is complete and the foot and hand holds have been delivered by our supplier. They will be installed sometime during October Read more…
Treetops is proposing to hold an open day in late 2017 to show itself off to Scouting and the local community, keep an eye on this page for updates as they come to hand.
At last nights Management Committee meeting the proposal to build the PACT Centre (Patrol Activity Camping Treetops Centre) was formally adopted. The next step in the process is to meet with our preferred builder and arrange for him to submit Read more…