Treetops Activities

Treetops activities have missed their 6 monthly inspection as a result of the Covid Lockdown. Our volunteers will be returning to the camp in the next couple of weeks and will be doing their best to get our facilities up to scratch. In the mean time Treetops recommends that leaders Read more…


We are having some difficulties at present with our website and cannot get notifications to subscribers that the latest newsletter is available. Hopefully we will get the issue sorted in the near future, in the mean time you can read our April Newsletter on the website. Click on The Camp, Read more…

April Working Bee

Treetops held its first working bee for the year on Saturday April 17. Besides the Treetops Team we had the assistance of other ASF members, in all 22 people attended the day. The jobs completed included painting of all our field ablution bocks, building maintenance repairing fly screens and replacing Read more…