
Treetops is a registered with “Land for Wildlife” and as such we are not a pet friendly property.

Camping Bookings

Camping bookings for powered and unpowered sites may be made by contacting the Park Ranger directly.

Treetops Camp Ranger: 0487 097 268 or email

Major activity camping bookings should be directed to the Booking Secretary or use the Bookings Enquiry form below:

Booking Secretary: 0484 097 947 or email

Building Accommodation Bookings

Building accommodation bookings must be made through the booking secretary.

Should you be interested in making a booking it is wise to select a number of preferred dates prior to contacting the Booking Secretary or use the Bookings Enquiry form below:

Booking Secretary: 0484 097 947 or email

Online Bookings Enquiry Form

Sites Accommodation requires a size selection.
Click arrival date, then adjust time, then repeat for departure date and time.
After you “Submit Booking Inquiry”, please look for confirmation text “Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly.”; otherwise we did not get your request.